Our Programs


Frank Phillips College Ministry


Frank Phillips College ministry is a microchurch “kick-starter”. FPC is a two-year university that brings in students and athletes from around the world to the small west Texas town of Borger. Many of the student that live on campus hang out at the Borger Community Activity Center and the school cafeteria on the weekends. Not much to do in Borger if you are from Philadelphia for example. After Sunday church service, you can see the local church crowd at the superb cafeteria alongside the students and athletes that live on campus. It was our vision to provide an on-campus church experience for these students and athletes. This ministry launched spring semester 2020.


Continues in Fall of 2020!

Sundays @ 7:00pm


Ag Science Bldg | Ag Lounge

1301 W. Roosevelt
Borger, TX 79007

Mercy Church of Amarillo


Mercy Church is a home church in Amarillo. Mercy Church was formed out of necessity for families with special needs children. Traditional church was not practical at the time so a group of friends formed Mercy Church and started meeting in homes. Mercy Church uses the “SOS+” model. Scripture is read and 6 questions are asked in discussion:

  1. What does this scripture say or mean?

  2. What should we observe or obey?

  3. What does it say about God?

  4. What should we share with others?

  5. How have you been blessed this week?

  6. What are you struggling with this week and how can the group help?




Amarillo, TX

Your Home, Church, or Small Group

Assemble a gathering, cook a meal, have some time for fellowship, and watch the video. Download the handout and go through the questions pertaining to the lesson. Finish up by taking prayer requests and brainstorming a service project the group can do.

Tell us about it!

This is part of our future goals. We want to help facilitate by creating a social media app to help find and manage your group! For more click here.



